In the night
Esta es la letra:
In the Night
Letra: Fede PeluK Música: Mars Cofán
I`m walking down the streets,
I`m alone again,
I`m in a lonely highway
I have one thing to say
Why is the reason, that you leave me alone,
I think it was just a mistake
Goodbye are not the exactly words
Your pain will never end
I don`t remember me
I can`t look yesterday
I being lost, baby
Tell me you feel the same
I feel we lose our ways
It’s something that you can`t repair
In the night i keep walking
In the night you will need me
In the night you don`t know me
In the night when i`m lonely
In the night i keep walking
In the night you will need me
In the night you don`t know me
In the night i’m so lonely ...
Animense y comentelo, critiquenlo! Eso si de a uno che!
1 comentario:
Bien señor, lo felicito, bonnesima la letra!
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